Leaflets and handouts
Brochure on Access to Healthcare
Design of Pulse Mayors Survey 2024
Land Squeeze report
WWF report 'Harmful subsidies'
Design of event displays
Design of logo
Branding for NDC climate initiative
Design of the MEL toolkit
How much space for Renewables?
Infographics on food markets
Agro-ecology strategies: lighthouses for food system transformation
REAL DEAL handbook
Creation of infographics on women rights
SAFE BUS manuals
Design of a publication on environmental justice for Roma
CitiMeasure e-publications
Campaign visuals for Green MEP
ASSURED 'Clean bus' reports
Communication tools for Coolproducts
Design of activity report
IPES Food study on livestock and protein
Infographics Green Deal
Report on the rights of migrants at EU borders
Design of an interactive newsletter
Cultural heritage in action: a journey through Europe
Policy briefing agro-ecology and finance
Design of factsheets on missing kids
Design of Strategic plan
Factsheet TER4RAIL
Design of a series of policy papers on nuclear risk reduction
Publications on marine reserves and the Mediterranean Sea Regulation
Migrants and European cities
Infographics SDGs
Agro-ecology in West-Africa
Data sharing infographic
Artificial intelligence
IPES FOOD and BIOVISION Money Flows Report
'#Play shapes' campaign
Wholesale brochure
Cities leading the way on climate action
Design of EuroTeQ logo
Visual communication Demfest 2019
Rollup design and production
Series of brochures
Visual identity UNESCO-Flanders
10 Principles of lung health
SDGs and development programs impact reports
Design of the ‘Grand Bargain’ website
Visual identity for Eurotech
Climate action in EU external policy
Logo and identity design for VOICE
Custom infographics on water use
Design of the 'Importance of Play' site
Publications in 6 languages on work-life balance
EU Food controls publication
10 commandments for diplomacy
Brochure on Toy Industries
Flanders is international
Mediation support toolkit
Infographics on the Common Food Policy
Youth and the future of Work
Water Framework Directive Infographic
GMO infographic
Membership postcards
Systemic Change Forum
Future of cars factsheet
'Collective redress' campaign
Principles of agro-ecology
Leaflets climate-friendly farming
BEUC mini-campaign on the basics of GDPR
Sustainable development factsheets
EU calendar interface design
SME Organics publication
Action plan for innovation and learning
Fold-out leaflet with infographics
Toy safety publication
Roadmap 2050
Campaign newspaper
Brochure TPO strategic research
Opticities brochure
Social investment in cities brochure
Cities and migrants brochure
Implementoring toolkits
Paris climate conference brochure
CIDSE Identity design
General brochure EUREAU
Organic in Europe book.
Infographics business and human rights
Infographic on toys and playing
Conflict minerals campaign
Infographics lung diseases
Anti-tobacco campaign
Visual identity for IFOAM EU
Solidarity cities identity
INSPIRED identity design
CASCADE toolkits
Visual identity for SOLMACC.
TechFab Europe website
Intellectual property rights publication
EU energy app